Música y poesía.
Canción. Music. Poetry. Songwriting and songs.
del autor
Garcín trabaja desde 1989 -de 1989 y 1992 son sus sencillos
Idilio", de 2018 sus últimas y recientes colaboraciones-
compaginando su actividad literaria en poesía, traducción
y ensayo
con la tarea de enlazar la poesía con la música, e
los términos de “canción
hablada/poetemas” o simplemente
de canciones que igual puede cantar que recitar. Se considera un
pionero en una actividad que en el Estado Español se
reducía a
pequeñas aportaciones sin solución de continuidad y de
puntual, en la mayor parte de los casos limitándose al recitado
una música de fondo. Como escribió el periodista Juanma
Játiva en
el periódico "El País", "es un pionero en un
apenas explotado en España, y ha elegido la mejor hora".
ya ofrece shows musicales en la presentación de sus libros y con
"Breve Idilio" (Sala Jesusalén, Sala Teatre Rialto,
Universitat de Valencia) desde 1988, Garcín actúa de
ininterrumpida, ya con músicos o banda, desde 1996 hasta la
actualidad en diversas ciudades del Estado Español, y en USA. Su
trabajo remite a fotogramas musicales, siempre en continuo contacto
con músicos, artistas de la imagen, con la exploración en
el video
y la fotografía, o la performance, y apunta con el tiempo a la
canción en su sentido más amplio. Se plasma en sus obras
Idilio" (1988-1992), "La Mejor Hora" (1997-1999),
"Vash Gon" (2000), "Tan Fiero Tan Frágil"
(2003), la antología "Tiempo y Detalles" (2006), el disco
en formato digital "Amor sin Título. Untitled Love" (2011)
y su último trabajo “Days Of The Fall (Sin
Detenerse)” que se
publica en 2019, y con el que celebra sus 30 años haciendo
y letras con música. Al mismo tiempo trabaja en otros proyectos
músicos y autores de USA, UK, y otros países, Derek
Maloa Warriors, Jose Moya, Andrew Austin, Art Lip, Joe Figg, Steve
Inglis, Russell Ricchardson, Dorota Czerner, y también
No busca ser rígido ni perfecto, no busca el impacto
antes que la ternura. El gozo está por encima de la
pues nada hay más cercano a la ilusoria comprensión que
el disfrute
de un momento. Sus referencias son tan dispares como sus años de
escucha, y gusta de reflejar en una grabación la espontaneidad
de un
ensayo en habitación o un directo. Es lo que Garcín llama
Segunda Lluvia", la que cae de las ramas de los árboles y las
cornisas de los edificios después de llover. A propósito
de un
homenaje por sus 20 años de carrera poética
escribió el poema "La
Segunda Lluvia" que fue publicado en Valencia y en USA en su
versión bilingüe.
No siendo músico profesional, compone la
música y escribe sobre sus ideas los textos de sus nuevos
Ahí están, con mente abierta, los sonidos de la calle, de
la vida,
tanto como Lou Reed, Pau Riba, Captain Beefheart, Jacques Brel, The
Clash, Patti Smith, música tradicional turca, africana, albanesa
balcánica, el Reggae y Reggae dub y hip hop, Sisa, Robert Wyatt,
Kevin Ayers, Daevid Allen, Leonard Cohen, Leo Ferré, Nick Cave,
aliento progresivo de Dioptria, Catedral, Syd Barret, Gong, Smash,
John Cale, Neil Young, el punk, y la new wave, PJ Harvey, Rooz
Williams, Ornette, Monk... y toda la gente que trabaja y crea alejada
de los criterios comerciales o las modas impuestas por los media,
como algunos divinos brillantes y hermosos desconocidos hambrientos y
enamorados del sonido y el silencio.
Como el autor
afirmó una vez:
"Una amiga me preguntó una vez ¿por qué
la belleza duele? Ahí empieza todo. La incertidumbre rige las
palabras y la música. Nos hace saber que no podemos controlarlo
todo, y que lo que más nos acerca al gozo es esa
sensación de andar
derrapando, al borde de perder la trazada y salirse en la curva, y el
deseo de encontrar puerto para tantos barcos a la deriva, en la corte
del Rey Escarlata."
(Fernando Garcín, 2011)
goza de una gran aceptación y reputación en su
página en
Reverbnation, así como en facebook, especialmente por parte de
artitas y oyentes de USA y diferentes paises europeos, americanos,
australianos, neozelandeses y africanos, como en años anteriores
tuvo en MySpace, llegando a superar los 15.000 fans, y las 20.000
visitas y escuchas.
Garcin works since 1989 combining his literary career -poetry, short
stories, translations, lyrics- and his songwriting and his spoken
word and singer career in which the most important thing is the voice
and the way of vocal delivery, looking for the best music to go with
his lyrics and voice. He likes to call his songs as talk-walk songs
or just songs in progress he always pefrormances in different ways.
He can make spoken word, sing and mix both styles, and he has been
working hard to find his own style, words are so important you have
to use the best phrasing for every matter or subject, and the voice
has to be understood perfectly and appreciated in all its range and
He has been doin' gigs with musicians in Spain and
other countries since 1989, and as solo artists since 1996, until
now, though he already had been mixng music and poetry since 1982. As
a journalist from “El País” wrote some years ago,
“he is a
pioneer in his genre, a genre that hadn't been carried out in Spain,
and he has found the best hour”(...) "You only could find some
sporadic cases withouth continuity in this genre, and some one-off
meetings of poets reading his words with background music."
is very open-minded about music and he also loves perfomances, video,
images and mise-en-scène. He likes spontainety, freshness, even
His works in music are: "Breve Idilio"
(1988-1992), "La Mejor Hora" (1997-1999), "Vash Gon"
with Carlos Carrasco (2000), "Tan Fiero Tan Frágil"
(2003), "Tiempo y Detalles" (2006), and "Amor
sin Título/ Untitled Love" (2011), and his last solo
“Days Of The Fall (Sin Detenerse)” produced by himself and
Fernández, with great guests musicians as Tom Hedrick, Derek
Jared Estes, Cisco Fran, Raquel G. Fas, Jorge Llombart, UraniaDeedee
and the great Tony White. It’s this work, published in february
2009, a new collection of songs to celebrate his 30 years as
wordsmith, singer and songwriter and, at the same time, 35 years
since his first book published, when he won the Critics Circle Award.
He also is making collaborations with musicians like Derek Damico,
Maloa Warriors, Jose Moya, Andrew Austin, Art Lip, Joe Fig, Steve
Inglish, etc.
Nothing has been done. Everything is happening now
and ever, and whats happening is not yours or mine, but something
made by all and every one. He looks for a certain balance between
alternative and experimental sounds and sort of lyrical pop-folk-rock
sound. He doesn't try to be rigid or square, and he loves to add
tenderness to the wild side. Joy is beyond perfection, and nothin can
be better than catching the moment before it fades away. It's just
like the second rain. The second raind that falls from trees and
buildings after the rain. This is his storytelling purpose. That's
why at the time they tribute him for his 20 years of poetry in 2006,
he wrote and published the poem "La Segunda Lluvia" (The
Second Rain).
His ears and eyes are open to the sounds of the
street, the country, life and death and joy and suffering, he's been
listening all these years to Lou Reed, Pau Riba, Captain Beefheart,
Jacques Brel, The Clash, Patti Smith, african, turkish and balcanic
roots music, electro music, reggae and reggae dub & rap, Sisa,
Robert Wyatt, Kevin Ayers, Daevid Allen, Peter Hammil, Leonard Cohen,
Leo Ferré, Nick Cave, T. Rex, progressive sounds, the white
Dioptría, Catedral, Veneno, Gong, Smash, John Cale, Neil Young,
punk, post-punk and new wave music, PJ Harvey, Rozz Williams,
Ornette, Monk... and all the unknown creative people far from the
mainstrean and radio and media manipulation, close to the hungry
divine crazy creators of wonderful moments of sounds and silence. He
really loves to think older people and the very young ones are the
best listeners and readers now, though people from different
generations may have curiosity and an open mind..
As the artist
once said:
“A friend she asked me some years ago '¿Why does
beauty hurt? It all begins here. Uncertainty rules the sounds and
words that fly. We feel we are close to bliss when we cannot control
everything, and we keep on moving, skidding, looking for a warm
harbour for all the boats adrift.”
(Fernando Garcin, 2011)
FERNANDO GARCIN (writer, singer songwriter, composer, editor, translator)
Degree in Philosophy from the University of Valencia
Cambridge First Certificate, British School Valencia, 1986
Award for Poetry in Valencia for the book "La Nada Disponible"
(1986) and finalist for the same award in 1995 for the book "El
Cantante Mudo".
Selected to represent Spain poetry in 1986
for the Biennale of Young Artists of the Mediterranean, in
Thessaloniki, Greece
“Dalmay y
la Distancia”
(Vagabundos del Dharma, 1985)
Nada Disponible"
(Taifa, Barcelona, 1985), Carlos Ortiz Poetry Award and Critics Award
1986, Valencia.“
La Mirada en Trivia"
(Malvarrosa ed. Valencia, 1987) and
(Nínfula Ed. Barcelona,
1992), both of them grants to Literary Creation of the District
Council of Valencia in 1986 and 1991.
para Dos" (La Gata
Loca, Valencia, 1988)
en Peligro”
(Ediciones de Nunca Acabar, Valencia, 1989)
Mirada en Trivia, II”
(Diarios de Helena, Elche, 1994)
Cantante Mudo" (Ediciones
de la Mirada, Valencia, 1995)
Ronda" (Diarios de
Helena, Elche, 1996)
(Ediciones de la Mirada,
Valencia, 1998)
Lejano Oeste”
de Helena, Elche, 2001)
Segunda Lluvia”
Books, Valencia, El Corte Inglés, 2007 ), included in the
Open Space
(Red Hook, NY, USA, 2010).
in “Fruta
Extraña. Casi un siglo de poesía española del
Fundación José Manuel Lara. Vandalia. Editor: Juan
Guijarro. Anthology of Music & Poetry from Emilio Carrere y
generación del 27” (Lorca, Aleixandre), to other authors
Vázquez Montalbán, Gabriel Celaya, Espriu, Edmundo de
Ory, Joan
Margarit, José María Álvarez o Manuel Rivas. They
selected the Garcin’s poem “Al is Lost, Cinderella”.
Pies En El Cielo”
(Editorial Balduque, 2014). The new book by Fernando Garcín,
published by Balduque Editors, to be shown and read in Valencia and
other cities during 2015.
Included in “Hey Jack Kerouac. La
huella beat en la poesía en lengua española”.
Anthology of poets
who has been influenced by the literature of the Beat Generation. ED.
La Oveja Negra. Gemma Estudillo y Uberto Stabile. 2018.
works mixing literature, poetry and music & songs since
Musical works collaboratively edited:
Idilio I"
-disco-libro with Salva Ortiz ( 1989)
"Breve Idilio II. Pasion por Pasión" (with Salva Ortiz, Maribel Crespo & Marián Llácer) (1992 ) .
passenger and lyricist between 1986 and 1989 for the group "Terminal
Sur" with Miquel Gil, Vicente Sabater, Chuso Aguilar, Joso
Godofredo, Pepe Cantó, Maribel Crespo & Salva Ortíz.
Mejor Hora" (1997-
1999 Seminole Records) as Garcin & Troupe with musicians from La
Gran Esperanza Blanca ,UHF, plus Edu Marín, Julio Bustamante,
Cardona, Mara del Alar y Maribel Crespo.
Vash Gon "
(CD-Book , Cubic , 2000), with guitarist Carlos Carrasco.
Fiero Tan Frágil"
(2003, Arteria) with Néstor Mir and his band.
Tiempo y Detalles "
Anthology 1996-2006 (CD-Book edited by Comboi Records, 2007).
Sin Título / Untitled Love) "
(2011), available at Cdbaby, Amazon, and other stores on-line,
recorded & produced by Fernando Garcín, Javier García
Carlos Carrasco, Sebastian Wesman, Jesús García
Roldán and Nestor
OF THE FALL (Sin Detenerse)”
-2019- Recorded and produced by Fernando Garcin and Daniel
Ruano, with Derek Damico, Tom Hedrick, Andrew Austin and Jorge
Llombart and very special guests collaborations by Jared Estes,
Raquel G. Fas, Cisco Fran, Maloa Warriors, UraniaDeedee, and Tony
White. He is cellebrating this way his 30 years of career in music,
lyrics and vocals.
and performances with musicians from 1982 to the present day in
various cities of Spain, as Valencia, Barcelona, Cartagena, Alicante,
Elche , Madrid, Cádiz and in USA in Woodstock ( NY) , in
addition to
collaborations events and publications in Greece , UK or USA
Recording and Touring with musicians from 1989 to present
Some special shows or appearances with Carlos Carrasco,
Los Pájaros, Los Últimos Bañistas, Russell
Richardson (Woodstock,
2009, Town City Hall & The Red Barn, showing his work on poetry
and music)
He is collaborating and adding his words and voice
and music to different artists and bands like JMoya, Los
Pájaros, Los Últimos Bañistas, Carlos Carrasco,
Andrew Austin,
José Moya, Derek Damico, Hilrant (Paul Tilley) with 2 albums of
songs. "Here Comes The Now" (2020) and "Nothing 4 Nothing (2022), Tom
Hedrick, Joe Figg, Steve Inglis,
The Magneto Flobe and the international group based in Florida
Warriors” (9 songs so far -from 2014 until 2020-)
and lyrics for “Terminal Sur” (LP "Viajero”, 1988),
Ortiz , Vicente Sabater, Burguitos, UHF, La Gran Esperanza Blanca,
Julio Bustamante, Carlos Carrasco , M , La Otra Mitad, Russell
Richardson, The Magneto Flobe, Maloa Warriors Jose Moya, among
and adaptations of works by Tom Waits (8 songs adapted to Spanish for
theater project), Van Morrison, Bob Dylan, Jack Kerouac, Michael
He has translated some unpublished texts by Jack
Kerouac and poems by the American poet Barbara Decesare, from her
book “Silent Type”, a selection of whose translations were
published in the online magazine El Coloquio de los Perros.
Collaborations with graphic artists : Daniel Monzón, Alain Manzano, Uberto Stabile, Jesus Zomeño , Chuso Almenara , Yolanda Llácer , Ina Guillén, Andreu Alfaro.
(Lo que otras personas, autores, escritores, músicos han escrito
sobre Fernando Garcín y sus trabajos)
has a good number of listener and followers through internet, as you
can confirm checking out his pages on Reverbnation Fernando Garcin
(after Myspace) and
Facebook artist page.